Local Guide - Local Knowledge
ping@privatetaxibeijing.com     (+86) 133 4100 6148

I came across the “Private Taxi Beijing” website when planning a trip to Beijing last year. I was a little unsure at first - the prices were slightly more than what I found elsewhere in “Google-Land” - but I definitely made the right choice! Communication was excellent - Ping responded to my questions promptly, with the information I was seeking, plus some extra suggestions. In person he turned out to be a wonderful guide. Very knowledgeable not only about the “big” sights but also lesser-known (but very worthwhile) spots to visit. My Mandarin is limited to the basic “hello” and “thank-you”; having Ping to translate ensured I had a deeper experience (not being limited to tourist shops), and also had some truly great food at places I wouldn't have found on my own. As I'm vegetarian having someone to assist with communication was a real blessing. Best of all, in my view, is Ping himself. He is friendly, yet also respectful of individual desires / moods (he is a keen judge of character). There is a good reason the other reviewers are leaving positive things about him. Ping is not simply doing his job, he is making friends along the way. Oh, and in case you are wondering: his driving is impeccable. Just book already!

Michael (Auckland, New Zealand)

Hi Ping, when we left China we were very impressed by your service level. Especially our “Zoo Rescue” was very special for us. That night I told my wife that I would find a way to honour your support. Today I did find that way: We bought a cat (a male) and I gave him the name “Mister Ping”. As you know, cats become very old (my other two cats are at least 12 years old) so I am sure I will not forget you for at least the next decade! In the Netherlands it is normal to give a name to a pet that refers to someone (or something). So I hope you will not be angry. If so, I will change the name to something else, of course. Kind regards,

Armand Moeliker (Wilnis, The Netherlands)

Vielen Dank für den hervorragenden Service! Wir haben alles so angetroffen, wie es auf Ihrer Webseite beschrieben wurde und konnten somit unseren dreitägigen Aufenthalt in Peking wirklich genießen.Auf all unseren Touren in und um Peking nicht nur ein ausgezeichneter und stets pünktlicher Fahrer mit einem geräumigen und sauberen Wagen, sondern auch die perfekte Begleitung für Individual-Touristen. Wir hätten uns keinen besseren Service wünschen können.  Vielen Dank, lieber Ping. Wir werden Sie gerne weiterempfehlen.

Rita & Wilfried (Hoexter, Germany)

Dear Ping, We arrived today in Shanghai full of memories of all that you did for us. You made our stay in Beijing possible and we are very grateful.  You were so patient and kind to our naughty boys and you drove us for long hours and you were patient with our changing schedules. Thank you for showing us the beautiful parks, especially, of course, the swimming one. Niki is finally glad that he saw the Forbidden City! And Tiananmen Square as well as the Science Museum. Thank you for finding it. Most of all we enjoyed meeting your wife and Henry and Humber! And the best food we have had in China! Tell the children that we think of them when we eat the candies. We will keep in touch and we will tell our friends who go to Beijing to contact you. Please give our love to your wife and the twins and our best wishes for all to go well for you. Sincerely from

Kate & "Yaya" Dunham, Niki & Xano Sweeting (NYC, USA & Shanghai, China)

Wer ein Fan von Individualreisen ist und China - speziell Peking und Umgebung - erkunden möchte, dem sei Wang Ping ans Herz gelegt. Wir hatten ihn letztes Jahr für eine Woche als Guide in Peking und in Harbin gebucht. Er fuhr uns zu diversen Sehenswürdigkeiten (Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Lamatempel, National Center for the Performing Arts, Birds Nest, Olympic Area, Bell Tower and Drum Tower) die wir in sehr entspannter Atmosphäre und ohne den typischen Besuchen in Perlenfabriken etc. erkundet haben.  Eine vierstündige Wanderung auf der chinesischen Mauer (Huang Hua Cheng section) mit blauem Himmel und Sonnenschein war das absolute Highlight für uns. Nirgendwo gab es Stände mit Touristen-Nippes oder Menschentrauben - wir waren ganz alleine dort und haben die Zeit mit ihm sehr genossen. Individuelle Wünsche wurden berücksichtigt und umgesetzt. Als Fan der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin unsererseits organisierte Ping kurzerhand einen Zwischenstop in einem klassischen TCM - Krankenhaus, wo wir den Mitarbeitern bei dem Zusammenpacken diverser Kräuterpäckchen über die Schulter schauen durfte. Ein weiteres Highlight unserer Reise war der Besuch des Ice Festival in Harbin, wo uns Ping ebenfalls als treuer Begleiter und Übersetzer zur Seite stand. Fazit: China ohne Ping wäre für uns undenkbar! 

Annabelle & Ingo von Brunn (Berlin, Deutschland)

Ping took great care of us. He found and booked our apartment prior to our arrival in Beijing, picked us up at the airport, and made sure we had water on our first night. He has a big comfy air-conditioned van with child seats. The following day he took us to the Great Wall at Mutianyu. Due to a bike race we weren't allowed to drive all the way up to the parking lot nearest the cable car, but Ping argued with the guards and convinced them to let us drive higher and park closer (the essence of his argument was "they have 4 small kids, you don't want to make them walk all that way, do you?!" - and it worked). He carried our youngest son Peter most of the first hour (that is, until Peter decided that he would rather walk and climb on his own - but that's a separate story), took care of him while we had lunch and generally focused on keeping Peter whole and happy. Ping's English is excellent; we had lots of interesting conversations about Chinese society and other matters. The most important characteristic, however, is Ping’s cheerful and compassionate attitude. He genuinely cares. So if you're going to Beijing, especially with a family, I can highly recommend hiring Ping.

Sophia, Henrik, David, Jenny, Emma and especially Peter (Sweden)

Bei meinem Besuch in Peking versorgte mich Ping mit allen wichtigen Informationen und erwies sich als kompetenter, pünktlicher und zuverlässiger Begleiter. Wir hatten viel Spaß miteinander und er verschaffte mir viele Einblicke in das chinesische Alltagsleben. Ping, mach weiter so!

Christian Kaufmann (Rottweil, Germany)